Allied Electronics Blog

Allied Wireless EMV Kit

The petroleum industry, like most retail and service segments, has been gearing up for the acceptance of EMV payment cards. Installation of these cards impacts several components related to processing transactions including payment servers, point-of-sale systems, fuel dispensers and forecourt controllers. Updating the communication points from the dispenser to the POS can be costly and time consuming for a site, but Allied has the solution.

The Allied Wireless Forecourt Access Point and In-Dispenser Unit offers secure and reliable local wireless networking connectivity to fuel dispensers and in-dispenser card readers. In addition to the wireless local area network, a secure managed switch has been integrated into the unit to connect additional fuel center devices including your point-of-sale system, merchant service gateway, and forecourt controller.

A statement made by the US Payments Forum regarding EMV upgrades says, "Communications between the forecourt devices and the payments server inside the store will change for petroleum retailers. Existing magnetic strips at outdoor terminals communicate with in-store components using very low-speed communication protocols. The longer EMV messages, legacy protocol, optional functionality and more frequent terminal-payment application interactions most likely will require upgrading the communication speed between the dispenser island and the store."

The Allied Wireless Forecourt Access Point and In-Dispenser units interface directly with major fuel dispensers, retail POS systems, and forecourt controllers-providing ample bandwidth for premium forecourt solutions such as video and other interactive customer engagement. Allied Wireless provides EMV and PCI compliance today and high enough bandwidth for the enhancements of tomorrow.

These Units offer solutions for fuel centers that eliminate the need to excavate and re-wire the forecourt or rely on a questionable workaround using existing wiring. Transmissions utilize a proprietary protocol combined with encryption technology and segmented networking for a truly secure connection.

For more information or to order the Allied Wireless Forecourt Access Point and In-Dispenser Unit, please contact Allied's Parts Department at 215-785-6200 or

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