With over 75 years of combined experience, Allied's technical support group is known throughout the forecourt industry for their unparalleled depth of knowledge and expertise. Technicians from around the world contact Allied's technical support group to keep their sites running at peak levels.
Much of the group's knowledge comes from the fact that they are also responsible for quality assurance of Allied's forecourt controller platforms – all of which are rigorously tested against multiple dispenser brands including Bennett, Gilbarco, Tokheim, and Wayne.
Allied's state-of-the-art laboratory incorporates all of the newest and legacy hardware components used in petroleum stations, allowing for nearly site-level simulation of a variety of scenarios.
Allied makes its extensive laboratory available to our business partners, further enhancing the ability to provide solid, reliable forecourt solutions.
Allied controller training is available online, providing the latest information on controller support and installation. For more information, select the link located under Technical Resources.
On-site support is available upon request to assist and consult customers for system installation and integration, and to monitor and diagnose communication issues between the NeXGen and associated peripherals.
NeXGen software and the ANDI_DGS utility are also managed by the technical support group and may be obtained via Allied's FTP site. For more information, contact Allied's techncial support group.
The technical support group is available from 8am to 5pm, ET, Monday thru Friday and can be contacted at 215-785-6200 or at SupportRequest@AlliedElectronics.com.